sreda, 29. september 2021

Kemija za slepe

V članku, o mestu Marburgu v Nemčiji, ki je prilagojen za slepe ... tam je en študent biokemije... (30. 9. 2021)

Chemistry remains relatively closed to the blind, due to the hazards of laboratory work, and the ubiquity of images, charts and graphs. But chemistry teacher Tobias Mahnke, who taught Portz at the Blista-associated Carl-Strehl-School in Marburg, argues there is no reason why his subject should be so restricted.

"No human being can see molecules, no human being can see atoms, and yet, chemistry education is so visual. Why? There shouldn't be any disadvantage for blind people, given that sighted people can't see all this, either," he says.

"I don't feel like a pioneer, but I guess I am one," says Portz, who is studying biochemistry and computer science in Düsseldorf. He is the first blind biochemistry student there, and by his own estimate, one of fewer than a handful of blind chemistry students in all of Germany.

Pri nas se s prilagajanjem kemije ukvarja predvsem prof. Damijana Dušak. Na čistem začetku se kemija lahko še prilagodi v brajico, kasneje v linearni matematični zapis (kolikor vem gre za prilagojen LateX) in zraven je še kup tipnih slik. 

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