sreda, 8. maj 2013

Ne voziti avto?

Avtomobili, s funkcijo samostojnega parkiranja so že nekaj let v prodaji. Kaj pa če ne bi jim celotno vožnjo prepustili? 
Leta 2011 je Mark Anthony Riccobono kot prva slepa oseba peljal avto s pomočjo navigacije. Virginia Teach ga je prilagodila s pomočjo audio signalov, laserskih čitalcev in vibrirajočih rokavic, ki dajejo vozniku občutek kam mora zaviti, zavirati.
Nato je pred letom dni Google predstavil "AVTOMOBIL", torej avto, ki se res sam pelje:

Steve Mahan ima le 5% vida in vse kar je naredil je, da se je vsedel v avto in pritisnil start. Avto uporablja GPS, laser, radar in 3D podatke, ki so jih zbrali drugi Googlovi avtomobili (pogled ceste) (nima pa še zvočnih kontorl). Googlovi avtomatični avtomobili so prevozili že več kot 300.000 milj brez nesreče in naj bi bili bolj varni kot pa z vozniki. Edino kar še preprečuje slepim, da bi vozili so zakoni in drugi vozniki. 
Je res tako težko zaupati?

petek, 3. maj 2013

Aplikacija za telefone

EqualEyes is a neat, versatile and accessible platform for people with vision problems.
* Voice feedback using built-in android text-to-speech engine (can be disabled)
* Fully compatible with Talkback
* Beautiful custom built user interface for simplified use
* Basic phone functionality (messaging, calling, location awareness) and every day apps
* Advanced apps currently in development featuring: Color Recognition, Remote Assistance, Guided Navigation and Money Recognition
* Different themes for color blindness

Professional Development and Research Institute on Blindness

Are You Looking For An
Exciting Opportunity

Earn a Master’s Degree

The Institute on Blindness is looking for individuals who are seeking a meaningful and rewarding career in the field of blindness! We are offering scholarships on a limited basis to qualified applicants for the Master of Arts in Industrial/Organizational Psychology with concentration in Orientation and Mobility (O&M), the Master of Arts in Teaching Blind Students (TBS), and the Master of Education in Teaching Blind Students.

Louisiana Tech University offers the only programs in the country that are founded with a philosophy of personal empowerment from the perspective of individuals who are blind.

We invite all qualified individuals who have positive attitudes about blindness and who would like to teach cane travel or Braille to blind children or adults to apply for our programs. We are also interested in speaking with anyone who may want to pursue a career teaching in the field of blindness in any capacity. The Institute on Blindness does not discriminate against any applicants and actively recruits people who are blind, sighted, and of diverse backgrounds.

Contact us today to find out more about earning your Master’s Degree!

Professional Development and Research
Institute on Blindness
(318) 257-4554  

You can change what it means to be blind!

A member of the University of Louisiana System. An equal opportunity educator and employer.
Edward C. Bell, Ph.D., CRC, NOMC
Director, Professional Development and Research
Institute on Blindness
Louisiana Tech University
210 Woodard Hall
PO Box 3158
Ruston LA  71272
Office: 318.257.4554
Fax: 318.257.2259 (Fax)
Skype: edwardbell2010
"I am somehow less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops."
-- Stephen Jay Gould

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