četrtek, 28. marec 2013

"Youth Policy in South East Europe: the role of information and counselling in young people's social inclusion and access to rights"

Call for participants

The symposium on the role of information and counselling in fostering young people's social inclusion and access to their rights will take place in Zagreb, Croatia, on 19-20th June 2013.
The European Union-Council of Europe youth partnership, the Ministry of Social Policy and Youth of Croatia, the European Youth Information and Counselling Agency and SALTO RC SEE are jointly organising this event. The symposium will look at how governments in partnership with other stakeholders can increase their outreach and extend their information and counselling support network to young people in the region.
Applications should be submitted at http://youth-partnership-eu.coe.int/youth-partnership/seminars/seminar_23.html  by 10 April 2013.
More information:
You can find more information by clicking here.
The European Union-Council of Europe youth partnership: http://youth-partnership-eu.coe.int

sreda, 27. marec 2013

Nova številka RIKOSSa

RIKOSS je poljudnoznanstvena revija s področja ljudi z okvaro vida. Naročite se na brezplačno revijo RIKOSS
V novi številki lahko preberete:

KAZALO (za pokušino)

UVODNIK: Zopet čas za vznemirljive novosti
Marino Kačič

Življenje z glasbo

POPOTNIŠKI UTRINKI: Med soncem in zemljo
Sabina Dermota

INTEGRACIJA: Z delavnicami do kvalitetnejšega sobivanja
(predstavitev projekta Bontonček)
Slavica Bukovec Zupanič

NOVOSTI IZ INVALIDSKEGA VARSTVA: Vlada sprejela Nacionalni program socialnega varstva
Brane But

DOBRO JE VEDETI: Tekmovanja v alpskem smučanju in teku na smučeh za slepe in slabovidne
Gregor Habjan

PAMETNI TELEFONI: Predstavitev programčka EqualEyes
Jožef Gregorc

NAMIGI IN NASVETI: Učinkovito iskanje z Googlom – šestič, Zamrznitev naslovne vrstice ali stolpca v Excelu
Brane But

OGLASNA DESKA: Veččutno doživljanje umetniških del
(postavitve razstav in vodstva po njih za slepe/slabovidne)

NOVIČKE: V Ljubljani na mestnih avtobusih možna storitev prevoz na klic; format daizy za elektronske knjige prihaja tudi v Slovenijo; Novosti iz sveta računalniških programov
Jure Srebrović

nedelja, 24. marec 2013

Workshop Sightless Common Ground - Venice Bienale 2012


Bralne uprozoritve v Mestnem gledališču Ljubljana

Četrta bralna uprizoritev v ciklu Velike igre sveta bo v četrtek, 4. aprila, ob 16. uri na Mali sceni.
N. V. Gogolj REVIZOR komedija 
Priporocamo tudi dijakom. Namenjeno tudi slepim in slabovidnim.
Cena vstopnice: 3 eur

DVD Gremo mi po svoje

DVD Gremo mi po svoje z audiodeskripcijo (komentarjem za slepe oz slabovidne) je naprodaj v vseh večjih (tehničnih) trgovinah v Sloveniji, zagotovo bi ga morali imeti v trgovinah Big Bang.
Če bi imeli težave pri nakupu, se lahko obrnete tudi nawww.emotionfilm.si
in vam (oz komurkoli že potrebno) lahko prodamo potrebno šetvilo izvodov po povzetju oz plačilu računa.

Access to electronic books

Naslednje pismo je prišlo do mene preko Nfbnet-members-list.
Marc Maurer, President
200 East Wells Street at Jernigan Place
Baltimore, MD 21230
Phone 410 659 9314 Fax 410 685 5653
Sent via first class mail and e-mail

March 11, 2013

Betsy Landers, President
Eric Hargis, Executive Director
National Parent Teacher Association
1250 North Pitt Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

RE: Amazon s Sponsorship of the National PTA s Family Reading Experience Program

Dear Ms. Landers and Mr. Hargis:

It has come to my attention that your organization has selected Amazon as the exclusive sponsor of your new Family Reading Experience program. While the aspirations of this program are noble, you should know that the use of Kindle e-books will seriously compromise the education of children who are blind or have other print disabilities.  This is so because, unlike other e-books, Kindle e-books do not afford children with print disabilities the same reading and learning experience as their fellow students. As a result, local PTAs that accept donations of Kindle devices or encourage the use of Kindle e-books in their schools will, as detailed in this letter, be helping to put those schools in violation of federal law.

In today s world, equal opportunity requires equal access to information. Unlike print, digital information is not inherently visual; it can be made available visually, aurally, and tactilely all at the same time and from the same original digital source. Thus, digital information can be the great equalizer, offering mainstream access to all, without regard to whether the reader has a sensory disability.  For decades, the blind have used a variety of technologies to make e-books accessible. To read electronic texts, blind students use either text-to-speech software that vocalizes the words, letters, and characters on a page or a refreshable Braille display that renders the words, letters, and characters into Braille. Fortunately, a number of technology developers and content providers have designed their products and services to put sighted and blind users on an equal footing. With the advent of commercial e-books, some developers, including Apple iBooks and Blio books, have made their e-books and reading applications accessible, so that everyone including blind students and others with print disabilities can read and use them effectively.

Unfortunately, Amazon is not such a company. It has made a conscious decision to exclude the blind from reading and studying with its Kindle e-books. Among other barriers, blind students using Kindle e-books cannot (1) read character by character and thus learn to spell, punctuate and distinguish homophones; (2) navigate usefully through the text of a Kindle e-book to keep up with the rest of the class; (3) interact with the Kindle e-book s content through the dictionary, highlighting, search, or note-taking features; or (4) access any content in Braille through their refreshable Braille displays.  In sum, blind students attempting to use Kindle e-books are effectively precluded from developing phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, comprehension, or vocabulary, which are the stated goals of your Family Reading Experience program.

To better illustrate the barriers Kindle e-books create, I have attached a chart to this letter showing the various functions that Kindle e-books offer sighted students and deny blind students. The chart reflects the best access Amazon offers, using a Kindle Keyboard (also called Kindle 3G) or using the Kindle for PC with Accessibility Plugin to read Kindle e-books. All other devices and platforms for reading Kindles are completely inaccessible. By way of comparison, the attached chart also shows other reading platforms, such as iBooks, that offer blind students all of the functions that Amazon reserves for the sighted. For your convenience, we have also tied those features to the Common Core State Standards to demonstrate specifically how the access barriers of Kindle e-books inhibit blind students educational opportunities.  In short, although blind readers do have  some rudimentary access to Kindle e-books when using platforms that permit that rudimentary access,  it is not nearly enough [access] to use the books for anything but the most casual reading, much less the intense, challenging reading that characterizes the academic environment.

Hence, the implementation of Kindle e-books proposed by the Family Reading Experience program will relegate students with print disabilities to second class status and unnecessarily exclude them from benefiting from the program s goals and objectives. Moreover, the limitations of Kindle e-books will inhibit print-disabled children from developing those grade-appropriate reading skills that are set forth by the Common Core State Standards and that are vigorously advocated for by your organization.

Not only does the use of Kindle e-books in the public school classroom inhibit the educational development of print-disabled students, it is also a violation of federal law. This is so because use of Kindle e-books discriminates against students with print disabilities by denying them equal access to educational programs. Under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, public schools must not deny students with disabilities the benefits of their programs and activities. Therefore, public schools that choose to use Kindle e-books will be violating federal law, and PTA organizations that encourage the use of Kindle e-books in their local schools will be assisting those schools in that violation.

In 2009 and 2010, the U.S. Departments of Justice and Education resolved complaints against five post-secondary schools that used the inaccessible Kindle DX e-reader device in their classrooms with agreements that required these schools not to purchase any e- reader device for their classrooms or require use of any device unless or until such electronic book reader is fully accessible to individuals with visual impairments . . . .   An electronic book reader is only fully accessible if  all uses of the device that are available to individuals without disabilities are available to individuals with visual impairments in a manner which ensures that its use in the university setting is equally as effective for individuals with visual impairments as it is for others.   In 2010, the Departments of Justice and Education jointly issued a letter to the post-secondary educational community, explaining that when it comes to e-book readers and e-book content, equal access is the law.   In 2011, the Department of Education again made clear that elementary and secondary schools likewise must refrain from using technology that will deny students with disabilities equal access.

If we can further assist you in understanding which e-books and e-book platforms are accessible and compliant with federal and state law, or provide further information about the deficiencies of Kindle e-books, please do not hesitate to contact us. The National Federation of the Blind, whose 50,000 members comprise not only blind people of all ages and backgrounds but also parents of blind children and others who support equal opportunity for blind Americans, has as its ultimate goal the complete integration of the blind into society on an equal basis with our sighted peers. We are fortunate to live in an age in which that ideal has been written into law.

Amazon s deliberate choice to scorn that ideal and ignore the needs of blind readers does not give public schools a free pass to discriminate on the basis of disability by purchasing and using Kindle e-books in their classrooms. Nor should your organization be party to such discrimination. Your Position Statements emphasize  the special needs of underserved populations including children with disabilities,   and you have assumed the role of being a powerful voice for all children.    We look forward to your cooperation in this matter and are confident you will raise your powerful voice in support of the rights of our nation s blind and print-disabled students.


Marc Maurer, President


cc:  David Zapolsky, Esq., General Counsel, Amazon, Inc.

četrtek, 7. marec 2013

Oh, te nore ženske

Vabimo vas na premiero Gledališča slepih Nasmeh, v soboto 9.3. ob 19h v KD na Breznici pri Žirovnici. 
Komični monologi: Oh, te nore ženske, Aldo Nicolaj. 
Rezervacije: mateja.mlacnik@gmail.com 
ali telefon 041 446 071 v popoldanskem času.

sreda, 6. marec 2013

Okrogla miza: Mitologija na meji med vidnim in nevidnim

V petek, 8. Marca ob 18:00 v Cankarjev dom v Ljubljani, konferenčni dvorani M3, 4.

Študentska založba vas, v okviru Festivala literature sveta Fabula 2013,
vabi na okroglo mizo 'Mitologija na meji med vidnim in nevidnim':

Kako gledati življenje skozi simbole in kako skozi to videti svet, si ga
bogatiti z domišljijo in risati nova obzorja mogočega.
Ob slepoti/slabovidnosti, je vsebina, ki je skrita v mitologiji bogastvo, ki
napolnjuje duha za izražanje lastnih občutkov, dojemanja sebe in odnosov v

-       dddr. Evgen Bavčar (svetovno priznani (slep) teoretik, filozof,
fotograf in raziskovalec na Nacionalnem centru za znanstveno raziskovanje v
-       Dr. Aksinja Kermauner (pisateljica, učiteljica slovenščine in
likovnega pouka na Zavodu za slepo in slabovidno mladino, specialna in
rehabilitacijska pedagoginja)
-       Ljoba Jenče (raziskovalka in učiteljica petja starih ljudskih pesmi,
voditeljica šole umetnosti pripovedovanja pravljic)
-       Nataša Zorc (učiteljica na Duhovni univerzi, razvoj zunajčutnih
zaznav in intuicije, strokovnjakinja za subtilne energije narave in
Razpravo bo moderiral odgovorni urednik TV medija Studio 12 Zoran

Med drugim se bomo spraševali:
-       So miti, bitja, legende le domišljija, ali resničnost, ki je ne
znamo videti?
-       Simbolizem duhovnega razvoja v mitologiji ter nadnaravne moči
junakov - ali jih lahko imajo tudi slepi/slabovidni?
-       Česa nas uči mitologija, kako nam lahko obogati življenje in kako
pomaga pri notranjih izzivih in kritičnih življenjskih trenutkih?
-       Kakšen pomen imajo pravljice, mitologija, legende na tvorjenje
domišljije pri videčih in slepih?

Razstava v centru Ljubljane

V petek, 8. marca, ob 10.30, Vas vabimo na odprtje razstave likovnih del otrok Zavoda za slepo in slabovidno mladino Ljubljana, v Centralno informacijsko pisarno MOL, Mačkova 1 (pri Tromostovju). 
Razstavo bo odprl g. Zoran Janković, pripravili pa smo tudi kratek kulturni program. 
Odprta bo 3 tedne.